Health Professions and Occupations Act

CPSBC is collaborating with other BC health regulators and the Ministry of Health on implementing the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA). Regular updates on the implementation work, including bylaw consultations, will be provided here. 

the HPOA

The HPOA will replace the current Health Professions Act. The HPOA will lay the groundwork for transforming how health regulators fulfill their mandate to protect the public. 

Once in effect, it will improve access to safer health care for patients by:

  • implementing anti-discrimination measures to foster physically, culturally, socially and emotionally safe practices
  • supporting and promoting awareness of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
  • creating a more transparent complaints process, including the publishing of all disciplinary actions on college websites
  • creating safety and identity protection measures and support for complainants who have experienced discrimination, sexual abuse or sexual misconduct
  • establishing the new oversight body: the
  • appointing a new independent discipline tribunal

Frequently asked questions

The received Royal Assent in November 2022 but is not yet in force. It is expected to come into force by regulation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council in 2025.

The will:

  • commit to cultural safety and humility by taking a proactive approach to discrimination in BC’s health care system
  • Improve governance, moving to a merit and competency-based appointment process for board members
  • strengthen oversight by creating the
  • create a safer complaints process with a new independent disciplinary hearing process.
  • improve information sharing

Yes, all regulated health-care professionals under the will be referred to as “licensees” rather than “registrants.”

The role of the is to oversee all health colleges in BC, ensuring they continue to be transparent, accountable, and operate in the public interest. Its role is to make merit-based recommendations to the minister of health for board appointments, conduct oversight activities (e.g. audits, investigations, general reviews), and make recommendations on which health professions should be regulated. 

The .

CPSBC will continue to have a board and committees that report to the board. The superintendent will be responsible for selecting and recommending board members to the minister of health. The minister of health is responsible for appointing all board members. Board members have a fiduciary duty to colleges and the public.

There will be two legally mandated decision-making committees under the HPOA

  • investigation committee
  • licence/permit committee

Other committees may be formed at the discretion of the board. A board member cannot be a member of the investigation or licence/permit committee.

CPSBC will continue to handle the intake of complaints and subsequent investigations; however, it will no longer determine disciplinary outcomes. 

Under the HPOA, a discipline tribunal will be formed led by an independent director of discipline. The director will be appointed by the minister of health and will be housed within the superintendent’s office. The director will create independent panels to determine disciplinary action for misconduct. 

The discipline panel must consist of one licensee, a member of the public and a specialist in the area of concern. s will be responsible for enforcing the disciplinary orders decided by the discipline panel.

No, only disciplinary actions and summary protection orders (limits, conditions, suspensions) will be published on a licensee’s profile in the CPSBC directory. 

Complaints that are unfounded will be dismissed. Complaints that do not result in disciplinary action, warnings and advice will not be published or made public. s will, however, be able to acknowledge that they have received a complaint or disposed of a complaint in order to respond to public sources like the media.

Under the HPOA, all eligibility, ethics, practice and accreditation standards must become bylaws, which ensures that action can be taken if a contravention occurs. 

The board will have to seek the advice of professional standards advisors for bylaws about eligibility, ethics and practice standards. The professional standards advisors must have relevant education, training, qualifications and experience that allows them to give expert advice. 

Consultation will be required for any new or amended bylaws.

Under the HPOA, CPSBC will have 16 parts (sections) to its bylaws. The HPOA bylaws will be completed, presented to the Board and published for consultation in three groups from March to June 2025. Each part will be open for feedback for approximately 60 days. Please note that dates may be revised based on the in-force date of the new Act when determined.

Registrants and health partners will be notified by email as the draft bylaws and online feedback forms are published on our website.