Anesthesia services in dental facilities

Registrants practising anesthesiology and family practice anesthesia (FPA) in community-based dental facilities are required to participate in the PPEP at different points in time in their career.

Standards for provision of anesthesia care

The assessment components are based on the Non-Hospital Medical and Surgical Facilities Accreditation Program (NHMSFAP) accreditation standards, guidelines and policies as they relate to the provision of anesthesia care.

PPEP assessment componentNHMSFAP accreditation standard
Practice environmentAnesthesia
Practice environmentIV Procedural Sedation and Analgesia for Adults
Practice environmentPost-anesthesia Care
Practice environment

Emergency Cart Medication and Equipment

Peer assessment

Medical Records and Documentation

  • MRDOC 1.9
  • MRDOC 1.13
See the NHMSFAP accreditation standards, guidance and policies on provision of anesthesia care